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刘元和君知识产权代理有限公司是一家专门从事商标、著作权、互联网域名、反不正当竞争及其他相关法律事务的知识产权专业代理机构,为海内外各行业的知名公司提供以高端综合业务为主的全方位知识产权法律服务。<br>本公司由在知识产权领域具有丰富经验的资深律师、商标代理人联合创立,主要客户为欧美日地区各行业的知名企业。作为知识产权行业领先的法律服务提供者,我们代表众多国际知名的跨国公司成功地处理了各种复杂的法律案件,享有较高的客户认可度和美誉度。<br>为适应业务发展需要,诚聘优秀人才。公司为员工提供优越的工作环境,具有竞争力的薪酬和良好的发展空间。<br>注:请在邮件中注明应聘职位名称,请勿附件发送。<br><br>jan liu & associates is a leading china intellectual property law office specializing in trademark, anti-unfair competition, copyright, internet domain names and other relevant laws, founded by a team of experienced and talented legal practitioners. in a world of economic globalization and market integration, the firm is strategically positioned to find the best ways to deliver the highest quality service to our domestic and foreign clients.<br><br>the firm's vision is to tailor our professional services to meet our clients' needs and provide our clients with accurate, reliable and cost-effective services. we achieve this goal through unparalleled expertise, full devotion and enthusiasm of our professional staff, coupled with the advanced computerized docketing and management system. at jan liu & associates, we look beyond the obvious to find creative solutions for our clients. by building partnerships with our clients, we assist them in the achievement of their business objectives. with a strong commitment to professionalism and perfection, jan liu & associates is fully prepared to serve and assist our clients in the protection of their intellectual property rights in china.